To summarise and make it really easy to understand, this is what the team are looking to do and I'm super excited by this :.

19 Jul 2023, 09:58
To summarise and make it really easy to understand, this is what the team are looking to do and I'm super excited by this 🔥: 1. The Big Shift: BloXmove, a project that started in 2021, is changing how it works. Before, a small group of people made all the decisions. Now, they want their community of users to have a say. 2. The Plan: They have a step-by-step plan to make this happen, from allowing token holders (people who own their digital currency, BLXM) to vote, to giving control to the community. 3. Why Now: Some important regulatory groups have started seeing tokens like BLXM as a type of financial product. To avoid issues with these regulators, bloXmove needs to become more decentralized. Also, this change could make BLXM eligible to be listed on Coinbase, a big digital currency exchange. 4. The Vision: bloXmove aims to create a digital system for services like car rental or ride-sharing, where anyone can create a new business or integrate an existing one. 5. Achievements So Far: bloXmove has already launched several products, including a mobility platform, a decentralized ride-hailing service, and a ticketing system based on digital assets called NFTs. 6. What's Next: In the next few months, bloXmove plans to hand over control of the project to their community and start developing with community input. They also want to ensure the project is run in a way that keeps regulators happy and makes the token more attractive for exchanges like Coinbase. 7. Community's Role: bloXmove's community will take on a big role. They'll control the project, make decisions, and even contribute to its development. They'll communicate and collaborate through a special Discord channel. This is the essence of what bloXmove is planning to do. It's about becoming more community-driven, making changes to keep regulators happy, and striving to make their digital currency, BLXM, more attractive to potential investors.